Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Pre-Season Ski & Snowboard Checklist

Pre-Season Checklist:
Equipment -
When's the last time you had your skis/snowboard tuned? If the answer is "I can't remember" then it's time to get your equipment in for a tune. A general rule of thumb: if you've ridden five times on your boards, it's time for a tune-up.  Plus, an expert wax and sharpening makes skis/snowboards last longer and provide more control for turns and stopping.
Gloves/Mittens -
If your hands are blocks of ice, you're not going to enjoy any winter activity and your dexterity and performance is also affected.  So, make sure the whole family has a pair that fits properly.
Does your jacket still fit?  Have your kids outgrown their outerwear?  Are they up to the demands of winter activities?  Some kids jackets and pants have hems that can be let out to get one more year of wear.  However, if you/your kids are heading out on the slopes in varying weather conditions, it's worth it to invest in well-made, quality outerwear.
Travel/Pass/Lesson Discounts
Fall is the time to take advantage of discounts on travel packages, lessons and lift tickets/passes.  Check with your local resort and retailer or a destination resort you've been planning to visit to see if they're offering any "early bird specials".
Helmet -
Do you have one - does your kid need the next size up? For all ages of skiers/snowboarder, helmets are becoming the norm on the slopes. Not only do they protect against head injuries, but also provide warmth since up to 60% of your body's heat can escape from an uncovered head. 
Goggles -
If you can't see where you're headed on a mountain, you're in big trouble. It's amazing how much fun you can have on a mountain when glare, snow and flat light aren't holding you back so make sure your goggles still fit properly. Check to make sure your goggles still fit and didn't suffer too many scratches last season.
Think Snow!

SnowSports Industries America (SIA)
snowsports.org siasnowshow.com snowlink.com