Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I won’t tell you how to run your life, you don’t tell me how to run my ski area!

An article Should Ski Areas Expand When Skier Numbers Are Flat? Raises some interesting questions. However I’m not sure those are questions the public should be asking.
The Ski Area Citizens’ Coalition is saying that ski areas should not be expanding their terrain when the number of skiers is not growing. Basically the Ski Area Citizens’ Coalition is grading ski areas on their environmental footprint and expansion is a negative aspect of their score card. They are then tying its grade to the lack of growth in the number of skiers coming to resorts.
Resorts who receive a good grade are happy with it and resorts who receive a bad grade found fault with the grading system. I had the same response all throughout my formal education.
Grading anyone on its sustainability, its environmental concerns are great. I try and check those issues when I deal or make a purchase from some companies. However tying it into an economic issue, when most resorts are making money is a little lame.
This is different from the National Ski Area Association’s Sustainable Slopes Program which grades ski areas on their environmental score card.
What do you think? Leave a comment.
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WordPress Tags: life,area,article,Should,Areas,Expand,Skier,Numbers,Flat,Raises,Citizens,Coalition,terrain,footprint,expansion,aspect,card,growth,resorts,system,response,education,money,National,Association,Sustainable,Slopes,Program,Leave,Recreation,Edit,Gmail,Twitter,RecreationLaw,Facebook,Page,Outdoor,Adventure,Travel,Blog,Mobile,Site,Outside,Moss,James,Attorney,Tourism,Risk,Management,Human,Rock,Ropes,Course,Challenge,Summer,Camp,Camps,Youth,Negligence,SkiLaw,OutdoorLaw,OutdoorRecreationLaw,AdventureTravelLaw,TravelLaw,JimMoss,JamesHMoss,AttorneyatLaw,AdventureTourism,RecLaw,RecLawBlog,RecreationLawBlog,RiskManagement,HumanPoweredRecreation,CyclingLaw,BicyclingLaw,FitnessLaw,RopesCourse,ChallengeCourse,SummerCamp,YouthCamps,NSAA,SustainableSlopes,NationalSkiAreaAssociation,SkiAreaCitizensCoalition,skiers

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